One of the most important aspects of media planning is ensuring your advertising is hitting the right people, i.e. your target audience. If you have an existing customer base, you can use their postcode data to help create a detailed profile and unpick their characteristics.
Utilising postcode data, you can specify which of your customer set you wish to target, whether you wish to keep this broad, target individuals buying specific products or even focus on your highest value customers. The recommended amount of postcodes to ensure results are diverse is c. 2,000. There is a selection of options available to process the data, and at All Response Media we typically favour Experian’s service which builds out “Mosaic” profiles.
Using the postcode data, the profiling creates an easy-to-understand segmentation that allocates individuals and households into 66 different Mosaic types, within 15 main socio-economic groups. These classifications use variables from a combination of Experian exclusive, public, and trusted third-party sources – including research findings and behavioural data – to build a picture of the latest UK consumer and social trends. The chart below visualises how the Mosaic types sit within the UK demographic setup and gives an initial indication of some of the topline characteristics.
All Response Media viewpoint
Once the postcodes have been segmented, we can create audience clusters of the highest indexing Mosaic types and build a robust lookalike audience; where there are different options as to how this data can be deployed.
The information can be used to identify similar regions with matching demography across the country to the core customer set; meaning regional media opportunities (e.g. BVOD, radio, press etc.) can be confidently activated in suitable areas where there will be a higher propensity to consume, via strategies such as ‘hot-housing’, where specific regions are targeted across multi-media channels.
Additionally, the data set can be further analysed using other insight tools and surveys, where detailed customer pen-portraits can be created to understand audience motivations and characteristics – whether this is general interests or more niche personality traits. The profiling tools can further develop the data to build an individual’s typical day and in turn recognise, how they consume media, therefore identifying the best suits channels and the best ways to plan them productively.
Data points like the above, increase the quality of approach when planning media strategies to ensure campaigns are reaching the desired demographic, avoiding wastage, and delivering the best return on investment.
Read more information on our data services.