Influencer marketing is described by Wikipedia as: “A form of marketing in which focus is placed on influential people, rather than the target market as a whole. It identifies the individuals that have influence over potential buyers, and orients marketing activities around these influencers.” Identify someone who can influence your customers’ purchase decision and get […]
ARM Blog
If you don’t have a voiceover in your TV ad, look away now!
As with most advertisers with All Response Media, the response is the main measure of the success of our TV campaigns and other media channels. Maintaining response as a measure of success while moving towards a brand TV creative is certainly a challenge, but the two are certainly not mutually exclusive. It is vital to […]
Shifting young-adult viewing behaviour: 5 ways TV advertising campaigns will be affected
The notion that standard, linear TV… that’s what we call live TV you watch in your living room … is dead or dying is an often sensationalised vision of impending and speedy doom. Indeed its death has been forecast now for the 18 years of my media career. But even media old-timers like me can’t […]
Getting on air in the rest of Europe with annual agreements
Throughout the TV industry there are ongoing trends of greater investment and fewer people watching TV, causing a year-on-year congestion in availabilities. Nowhere is this trend more pronounced than the Nordic countries, where nearly every month of the year is completely sold out. In these situations, sales houses (understandably) focus on their annual contracted advertisers, […]
The reach and effectiveness of TV is still indispensable in the digital world
It is unmistakable that screens are an integral part of the life of the consumer, ranging from smartphones and social media to TV and streaming video. The main question for advertisers is: which one is best to reach consumers? After reviewing various surveys, we can conclude that TV is still indispensable for advertisers. The reach […]
Netflix is the new TV…
At least that is what founder Reed Hastings would have us all believe! However, it is a black and white (or maybe orange?) fact that Netflix and its like are very much the darlings of Wall Street at the moment. Their share price took another upturn earlier this week, where they were trading at a […]